Brent Elementary School
160 4th Street
Brent, Al 35034
Phone: (205) 926-4993
Fax: (205) 926-5642
Dr. Mechelle Hollifield, Principal
Mr. Jason Leach, Assistant Principal
Each teacher’s primary goal is to provide each child the best education possible. Brent Elementary School has an “Open Door” Policy concerning visitation at school. Parents can come by the school office anytime throughout the school day and get a visitor’s pass to visit your child’s classroom.
Centreville Middle School
“Challenging the Minds of Our Students”
1621 Montgomery Hwy
Centreville, Al 35042
Phone: (205) 926-9861
Fax: (205) 926-3917
Mr. Earnie Cutts, Principal
Mr. Alan Ray, Assistant Principal
CMS Mission Statement
Centreville Middle School will provide an environment for all students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to become respectful, responsible, and resourceful individuals.
Bibb County High School
220 Birmingham Rd
Centreville, Al 35042
Phone: (205) 926-9071
Fax: (205) 926-6848
Mr. James Alston, Principal
Bibb County High School is the “Home of the Choctaws”.
City of Brent, Alabama USA
22 First Street, Brent, Alabama 35034
Phone (205) 926-4643 Fax (205) 926-6061