City of Brent, Alabama
22 First Street, Brent, Alabama 35034
Phone (205) 926-4643 Fax (205) 926-6061
Powered by TriNovus
Parks & Recreation
Heritage Park

684 Heritage Park DR.
Brent, AL 35034

Heritage Park is the largest park in Brent which is located on Heritage Park Drive in Brent, Alabama.  The park was built in 2002 with grant funds from USDA, has a large picnic pavilion, a concert stage, and a playground.  For the past several years, the Survivor’s Reception for Relay of Life for Bibb County has been held at Heritage Park.  Heritage Park hosts numerous events yearly with each week having different events at the park.  Events range from family reunions, baseball parties, birthday parties, etc.  

City of Brent, Alabama USA
22 First Street, Brent, Alabama 35034
Phone (205) 926-4643 Fax (205) 926-6061
Powered by TriNovus

Walking Track

1400 University Way
Centreville, AL 35042

The City of Brent has walking trails which consist of the large and small walking courses.  The layouts of the walking trails are attractive to citizens of all ages.  The walking trail is located at 1400 University Way.
Memorial Park

22 1st Street 
Brent, AL 35034