City of Brent, Alabama
22 First Street, Brent, Alabama 35034
Phone (205) 926-4643 Fax (205) 926-6061
City of Brent, Alabama USA
22 First Street, Brent, Alabama 35034
Phone (205) 926-4643 Fax (205) 926-6061
Paying Fines
Prior to your court date you may decide to plead guilty and pay your ticket. Fines may be paid in full by person or by mail before your scheduled court date. No partial payments will be accepted.
Forms of Payment
•Cashier’s check
•Money order
No Personal Checks Accepted
Seat Belt Tickets and Open Container Tickets are 41.00 with NO additional court cost.
Traffic Offenses That Require A Court Appearance

Fine Amount Plus Court Cost
Driving While License Suspended/Revoked/Cancelled
Up to $500.00 fine plus $240.00 court cost
Reckless Driving

Up to $500.00 fine plus $190.00 court cost
Passing a School or Church Bus

Up to $500.00 fine plus $190.00 court cost
Important Note: If you were charged with an offense and you do not see it listed, you MUST appear in court on your court date. Your court date will be listed on your citation. If you are unsure of when your date is, please contact the court office at (205) 926-5125
City Prosecutor Chris Allen
City Judge Paul Patterson
Laura Tyus
Court Clerk
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 220
Brent, Al 35034
Phone Numbers
Fax 205-926-6061
Physical Address:
22 First Street
Brent, Alabama 35034

Please contact the court if you have any questions of when your court date has been set. 205-926-5125
We have limited courtroom seating due to COVID-19 restrictions. Only the defendants will be allowed in the courtroom.
All payments can be made before court if payment can't be made you must see the Judge
If you have any further questions please contact the court at